READ: Mark 5:1-15

… For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” – 1 John 3:8

The demons made the mad man live in a cemetery. They made him uncontrollable, untameable, and gave him super-human strength. The demons made the mad man injure and harm himself.

However, when the power of God was present, the demons could not prevent the man from worshipping Jesus. Jesus asked for the name of the demon. Commanding the demon by its name releases more power and compels the evil spirit to obey.

The madman of Gadara was possessed by one devil but had six thousand other demons in him – Mark 5:9. The demons did not want to leave that part of the world. Demons are associated with regions and areas, which they dominate; they cause certain characteristics to exist in certain places.

The evil spirits preferred to occupy the pigs than to remain without a habitation. Even the pigs reacted by behaving abnormally when the evil spirits entered into them. Abnormal behaviour in humans too must always prompt you to think of evil spirits.

Jesus preferred to sacrifice the “pig farm” and to save the man. The life of a man is worth far more than a thousand pigs. You are importantto Jesus and He will do great things just to set you free. Today medical science is not able to easily cure mad men. The power of Jesus Christ did what human beings with all our science and knowledge are still unable to do. The miracle healing of the mad man of Gadara demonstrates the love of God, the compassion of Jesus Christ, the greatness of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.