READ: Genesis 39:1-6

And LOT ALSO, which went with Abram, HAD FLOCKS, and herds, and tents.” – Genesis 13:5

You must labour for the blessing that comes from associating with blessed people. Associating with blessed people causes you to partake of their grace. It is grace that makes things work out for blessed people. You will receive far more by your association with blessed people than by striving on your own for money. All through the Bible, we see examples of the blessing that comes through association. Three examples stand out: Lot associating with Abraham, Laban associating with Jacob, Potiphar associating with Joseph.

Lot had flocks, herds and tents because of his association with Abraham. Abraham is the one who was blessed. Lot experienced the blessing of fruitfulness because of his association with Abraham. When he separated from Abraham because of strife, his whole life was destroyed in the city of Sodom.

Laban also experienced a multiplication of his herds and flocks when Jacob came to live with him (Genesis 30:27). Amazingly, Laban saw that God was blessing him because of Jacob. Many people are too proud to see and acknowledge that God is blessing them because of someone.

Potiphar’s house was blessed greatly because of Joseph. God’s eye was on Joseph, the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because Potiphar, a wicked unbeliever was associated with Joseph, God decided to bless Potiphar.

It is the blessing of the Lord that really changes lives. Seek to be blessed rather than seeking to be wealthy! Labour to be blessed rather than labouring to be rich!