READ: Revelation 22:12-21

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” – Revelation 22:17

The bride of Jesus Christ is the true church of Jesus Christ. As the Bible closes in its last chapter and its last few words, we hear both the Holy Spirit and the true church say the same thing: Come to God!

It is interesting that the last words in the Book of Revelation are so clear, “Come.” Come and drink of the water of life freely! Come and enjoy salvation! Come to God! Come to Jesus! These are the words of the Holy Spirit inviting the poor, agonizing, shrieking, screaming, frightened, desperate creatures and souls in this world. Come out of the dark ocean and into the love of God.

The true church is always inviting people to God. The false church is always celebrating and having pleasant times with pleasant people on pleasant occasions. The false church has no such message.

The false church says, Stay here! Settle down! Celebrate! Prosper today! Secure yourself ! Enrich yourself ! Make yourself happy!

Ask yourself, “Are the last words of Jesus important to me?” Are the last words of the Holy Spirit important to you? Did you know that His last words were, “Come”?

Are the last words of the true bride important to you? Did you know that the true bride is evangelizing the world and saying to the whole world, “Come to God”? Did you know that the false bride is saying something completely different? The false bride is saying, “Relax, take it easy, have fun; things are getting better for believers!”