READ: Matthew 22: 33-40

Jesus said to him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” – Matthew 22:37

Loving God is a great achievement because you cannot love God the way you love man.

How do you know when someone loves you? Perhaps they will say, “I love you.” Perhaps they will send love notes, go for walks, send gifts, speak kindly to you, chat with you, say nice things, sing your praises, send flowers, send cards, comment on your clothes, comment on your hair, say how handsome or beautiful you are and so on. Unfortunately, you cannot go for walks with God. You cannot send Him love notes. You cannot comment on His hair. You cannot comment on His clothes or His looks. It is not easy to love God because you cannot love Him the way you love a man.

Loving God is a great achievement because God is great and you are nothing. It is not easy to relate with a great person. It is not easy to chat with a great person. It is not easy to know what to say! How difficult it is to relate with the greatest person of all, Almighty God! How could you even attempt to chat with Almighty God who knows everything about everything?

It is not easy to maintain a discussion with Almighty God. What is even more difficult is the silence that comes from the Almighty God. Silence often makes you feel stupid! You may feel more and more uncomfortable and insignificant in the presence of a great person. Indeed, the greatness of God can be a stumbling block to your relationship with the Father. Loving God is indeed a great accomplishment!