READ: Romans 1:18-32

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, UNTHANKFUL, unholy,” – 2 Timothy 3:1-2

To be unthankful is to be in spiritual danger. Unthankful people usually become perverted, twisted and corrupted. The thoughts of unthankful people tend towards darkness. You are either full of thankfulness or full of evil thoughts.

Watch out for the people around you! Are they thankful or are they full of evil thoughts? Unthankful people are discontented and quickly progress into murmuring and complaining. Watch the people around you carefully. Are they thankful for little things? Do they remember to say thank you? Do they keep saying thank you? Do they say thank you just as a formality or do they mean it from their hearts?

Being unthankful is an evil that will be prevalent in the last days. Being unthankful is an evil that is listed amongst other terrible sins. The list in which “being unthankful” finds itself should tell you what kind of evil it actually is: 2 Timothy 3:1-2. To be unthankful is to have fallen into a “last days” evil.

Being thankful is the way to enter into the presence of God. Saying thank you is the way to start your prayers. Prayers of thanksgiving catapult you into the presence of God. The scripture tells you how to enter into the presence of God: Psalms 100:4-5. Prayers of thanksgiving start with having a heart full of thanksgiving. Prayers of thanksgiving protect you from the evil of the “last days”.