READ: Isaiah 58:11

They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them DRINK OF THE RIVER OF THY PLEASURES” – Psalms 36:8

A watered garden is a garden where everything is growing. Everything blossoms in a watered garden. When the anointing is on you, you are like a watered garden. Things will grow and blossom because of the watering of the Holy Spirit. Your music will grow! Your preaching will grow! Your church will grow! Your ministry will grow! Your business will grow! Everything about you will grow nicely because of the waters that fail not. The Holy Spirit never fails to make things grow.

Expect to be satisfied when the mighty Spirit of God comes upon you. The waters of the Holy Spirit give you a sense of satisfaction. When you are having your quiet time, you will feel satisfied when the Holy Spirit speaks to you. Pray for the move of the Spirit as you hear the Word of God. Satisfaction always comes as the Spirit moves. Without the Holy Spirit, the same scriptures will put you to sleep!

You must seek for the Holy Spirit. He will refresh you! When you have the Holy Spirit, you will be refreshed. Nothing can replace the refreshing that comes from the mighty Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is God. You must thirst for Him.

God, you are my God; I eagerly seek you. I thirst for you; my body faints for you in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water. Psalms 63:1 (HCSB)

The power of the Holy Spirit is not something you can explain. It is something you have to experience. What a refreshing we experience when we come into the presence of the Spirit!