READ: Philippians 4:15-20

For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account” – Philippians 4:16-17

The Philippians are well known for giving a little bit more than others. They sent money to apostle Paul more than once. They gave “once and again”. “Again” was the little bit more. This earned them the famous blessing of “My God shall supply all your needs.”

There are many people who can give a little bit more than they do but just throw crumbs into the offering bowl. They could give a thousand dollars but they just reach out and pick the nearest coin in their wallets. There is much more that they could do if they really wanted to help the work of God.

Many people are prepared to do things for themselves but when it comes to God’s work they do not want to do a little bit more. They cannot remember to pay a pledge. They cannot lift a finger or exert any effort towards God’s work.

It is important that you decide to give a little bit more than you are giving. One day, whilst preparing to give an offering to a man of God, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, “Can’t you do just a little bit more? Give this much.” He said to me, “Never give less than this amount when you are giving to my servants!”

From that time, I began to give a little bit more to God’s servants. Shortly after that, I noticed a change in the way people honoured me. Everyone who honoured me seemed to do a little bit more.