READ: Hebrews 10:38-39

Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH.” – Habakkuk 2:4

All through the Scriptures it is clear that the life you live is the real revelation of your faith level. A person who throws himself into full-time business and occasionally gives an offering is at a certain level of faith. Another person who throws himself into full-time business and regularly pays tithes reveals yet a higher level of faith.

Faith is your life! The life you live is the faith you have! If you live your life out as a missionary in a foreign country, it is because of the faith you have. You believe that eternity will reward you far more than any temporary rewards on this earth.

If you live a life of doing earthly politics it is because of your faith in politics and human achievements. If you live your life out as a businessman, it is because of your faith in money and earthly achievements. Your life reveals your faith. Your life is an expression of your beliefs!

What you do with your life reveals what you really believe in. If you continue to quarrel and harbour grudges, it is because of your beliefs in the way to rectify things. Your ability to forgive and leave things to God reveals how much you believe in God and His Word. Your whole life is an expression of your faith in God. If you live your life singing secular music to secular audiences it is because of your beliefs.

Your life is your faith! Your faith is your life! As Apostle Paul said, “The life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20).