READ: Acts 3:20-26

But Jesus said unto them, a prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. And HE COULD THERE DO NO MIGHTY WORK, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them” – Mark 6:4-5

When prophets are honoured, the anointing upon them comes alive. Jesus, a mighty prophet, could not do mighty works simply because he was not honoured by the people of Nazareth. Prophets that are honoured do mighty works! Great prophets do minor works when they are not honoured.

There are many people who are sent into your life as prophets. You must be careful how you handle prophets. Mishandling them can lead to barrenness and desolation in your life.

Most of the people I prophesied to, did not know that I was prophesying to them. They found out years later that I was actually prophesying to them. Most of these people related with me as a friend, a senior brother, a concerned Christian, or at best, an over-zealous pastor. Because they did not honour me as a prophet, I kept prophesying to them and they kept on missing the message.

Indeed, I have prophesied to many people who did not honour me. They did not receive me as a prophet and they did not honour me, so God did not open their eyes so they could see and believe. People who were destined to be rich became poor because they did not receive the power of God and the message from a prophet. I have watched as people who were destined to work with me lost their places because they did not believe when I was speaking to them as a prophet. Their failure to honour me as a prophet destroyed their relationship with me. Honour your prophet and it will give life to your relationship with your prophet!