READ: Psalms 105:6-15

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done DESPITE UNTO THE SPIRIT OF GRACE?” – Hebrews 10:29

Notice the word “despite”! You must be careful not to dishonour the Holy Spirit in any way. Trifling with the anointing and people that are anointed can be dangerous. When you dishonour the Holy Spirit, you are worthy of sore punishment. Learn to give honour to the Holy Spirit.

Those who do not respect the Spirit live to regret it. The Holy Spirit requires great respect. Never make the mistake of doing despite unto the Spirit of grace.

Learn to honour the anointing! Learn to honour the Holy Spirit! Those who honour the Holy Spirit develop a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. King David honoured the Holy Spirit many times and in many ways. That is why he was so anointed and that is why his kingship was so different from the others. Honour truly gives life to relationships!

David gave life to his relationship with the Holy Spirit when he honoured the presence of the Holy Spirit on Saul, his enemy. Saul was hunting for David’s life! Saul was trying to kill him. But because of the Holy Spirit’s anointing on Saul, he would not fight back. David would not attack anything that had been anointed. He had great reverence for the anointing. No wonder King David’s relationship with the Holy Spirit flourished. Honour the Holy Spirit and it will give life to your relationship with Him.