READ: Mark 11:22-26

Nevrtheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” – Luke 18:8

The most famous teaching on faith is found in the eleventh chapter of Mark. In this famous teaching, Jesus taught, “Have faith in God.” Jesus taught on how to move mountains and how to speak positive confessions.

Jesus also taught us to pray as an expression of our faith. Indeed, prayer is an expression of your faith in an invisible God. Faith is prayer and prayer is faith! Every time you open your mouth to pray, you demonstrate that you have faith in God.

Your prayer time is the greatest expression of your faith in God. Faith is prayer and prayer is faith! Prayer is released through faith. Every time you pray, you show that you believe in God. You must understand how God interprets your times of prayer. Jesus taught us to pray in the passage, Luke 11:1 8. Yet, at the end of His teaching He asked if the Son of Man would find faith on the earth.

He did not ask if the Son of Man would find people praying because God interprets all your prayers as acts of faith. After all, it takes faith to stay in a room and talk to someone whom you cannot see. It takes faith to talk to someone for hours when he does not say a word back to you. Your prayer time is the greatest expression of your faith in God. Your ability to stay in one place and pray shows that you have faith in a real God.

Without faith you cannot please God. This means that every time you pray, you please God because you are demonstrating faith in the prayer. Faith pleases God and therefore prayer pleases God.