READ: Luke 4:33-37

Verily I say unto you, WHATSOEVER YE SHALL BIND on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” – Matthew 18:18

All your prayers must include the binding of the devil. Do not forget this rule: Do not leave the devil alone! The demons shouted, “Let us alone”. That is exactly what you must not do. You must not leave them alone! You must bind them continuously! The word “bind” in the scripture above means, “to fasten with chains.”

Every time you bind the devil you fasten him with chains and you throw him into more chains. To bind the devil means“ to forbid” and “to prohibit” him. Every time you bind the devil, you forbid him from manoeuvring around you. Continue to forbid the activities of intelligent animal demons around you.

Perhaps, you are dealing with the prince of your country. Perhaps there is a tree in your yard or in your garden that houses an evil and demonic bird. Perhaps you are dealing with a dragon or a serpent in the river near your house. Perhaps there is a lake, a lagoon or a river near your house in which there is an evil spirit. Perhaps the sea behind your house is hosting an evil demonic being. Notice how the beast in Revelation 13:1 rose up out of the sea. The beast was living in the ocean and it came out of the water to manifest itself.

You must rise up every night and fasten demonic powers with chains. You must forbid the manoeuvring, roaming and hunting demon packs around you. You must prevent demons from being comfortable around your dwelling place. You must block the activities of deadly flies bringing poison and death into your life. All works of darkness tend to oppose and resist you. This is because the devil is the opposer. Bind the opposer! Curse the accuser! Fasten the tempter! Chain the deceiver! Burn the liar! Bind the devil in the name of Jesus!