READ: 2 Kings 2:5-15

And HE TOOK THE MANTLE of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over” – 2 Kings 2:14

Flowing in the anointing is the art of relating with the Holy Spirit as though He were a mantle by recognizing something that makes you comfortable, warm and at ease. In the ministry, you can minister in a warm and comfortable atmosphere. Once you move outside the anointing, it is no longer warm and comfortable.

Outside the anointing is uncomfortable! It is cold! It is silent! It is difficult! It is scary to be outside your anointing. Flow with the Holy Spirit as a mantle by recognizing what fits you perfectly. You can wrap yourself with a well-fitting mantle.

Always stay in the comfortable zones of your gift. If you are called to sing, stay with the singing. You may not do well when you start ministering healing. If you are called to preach, you be far more comfortable preaching for three hours than singing a song for five minutes.

Flowing in the anointing is also the art of relating with the Holy Spirit as though He were oil. But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be ANOINTED WITH FRESH OIL. Psalms 92:10

The oil makes the machine turn with ease. Flow with the Holy Spirit as oil by recognizing what makes everything easier for you. Flow with the Holy Spirit as oil by recognizing what makes things tastier. Bread without butter is not the same as bread with butter. It is the oil that makes the bread tastier, nicer. Flow with the Holy Spirit as oil by recognizing what makes things smoother. The Holy Spirit ensures that the bumpy edges of ministry are smoothened. Receive a smooth, flowing ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit.