READ: Isaiah 60:1-7

BEHOLD, THE EYE OF THE LORD IS UPON THEM THAT FEAR HIM, upon them that hope in his mercy; to deliver their soul from death, AND TO KEEP THEM ALIVE IN FAMINE. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield” – Psalms 33:18-20

The eye of the Lord is upon you. Because you fear God, your soul will be exempted from the evil that is lurking around. God can keep you alive in a famine. When everyone else is destroyed by the poverty and financial difficulty, you will survive.

Labour for the blessing of being exempted from evil. Strive to be exempted from the curses that are multiplying over the planet. Work with all your heart for the blessing of “exemption”. There are many evils sweeping through the earth today: poverty, disease, tragedy, war and famine, which can wipe out all your life’s achievements.

All through the Bible, we see examples of how God exempted His people from the curses and tragedies that were raging around. In the great flood, He exempted Noah from destruction! In the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah He exempted Lot and his family from the fire!

You will be exempted from the judgment of the wicked! Arise and shine, your light has come! Gross darkness will cover the earth but you will be exempted from the world’s darkness. The glory of the Lord will be seen upon you. You need the power of God to exempt you from the darkness in the world. It is actually in the gross darkness that the glory of the Lord will arise on you.

People choose to go to nations because they feel that they will be rich and prosperous there. They are attracted by bright colours and flashing lights! But flashing lights and bright colours never made any one prosperous! Labour to be exempted from the curse that is lurking around by day and by night.