READ: Isaiah 28:9-14

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous” – 1 John 5:2-3

God has made it possible for you to walk by faith by creating a walk that involves many little steps. Faith is the obedience of one small step. Think of all the heroes of faith God used. Most of them took one small step. His commandments are quite possible for you to obey because they are always one small step at a time.

God will probably tell you to witness, win souls, start a fellowship and learn how to preach. As you obey these little steps, He will lead you to your destiny. To have faith is to obey one small step at a time. There is one small step that God has for you. That small step is the act of faith that will change your life.

What did Rahab do to be called a hero of faith? Rahab, the harlot, gave her house to visitors. She provided the services of a harlot to Israeli spies. This was something she was used to doing. The only difference was to have had Israeli boys in her house for the night.

What did Abraham do to be included among the heroes of faith? He obeyed God and had sex with his aged wife. This is something he had been used to doing in his younger days.

What did Moses do to become a man of faith? He threw a stick down and it turned to a snake. I am sure he had thrown many sticks down before that time.

Faith is always a small step! God wants you to do something and it will never be a big thing. It will be series of small steps. The next small step will take you higher than you imagined.