READ: 1 Corinthians 14:1-5

For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” – 1 Corinthians 14:2-3

Speaking in tongues builds you up like nothing else. After you are born again, a great change will come in your life if you learn how to pray and speak in tongues. You will not find a shallow unchanged person speaking in tongues for hours. Those who show a great change are those who speak in tongues for hours. As you speak in tongues, your spirit is edified. Your spirit man is built up as you speak in tongues.

When you pray in tongues you call on God in a secret language. You bind demons in the spirit world. Speaking in tongues is a secret weapon given to you by God. Nothing changed my life as much as speaking in tongues. I have learnt to speak in tongues for hours! I prefer to speak in tongues than to pray in English! I pray in the spirit and I pray with understanding! I am charged up like a battery when I speak in tongues. I become like a spiritual powerhouse when I speak in tongues!

The reason why you do not speak in tongues much is because you want to understand yourself. You cannot understand tongues! You have to believe that you are praying to God when you speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues enables you to pray all the time. It enables you to call on God all the time. It is God’s gift to us.

You must use the clock to help you pray in tongues. Start at 6.00am and end at 7.00am. Start at 4.00am and end at 5.00am. Start at 3.00pm and end at 4.00pm. Use your clock to tell you how long you have prayed. There is no other way to pray in tongues than to use your clock. When you pray in tongues, you cannot even tell when you have said “Amen”. You simply have to learn how to pray by the hour. Speak in tongues and there will be a great change in your life. You will be a mighty powerhouse! All your old problems will fade away and you will enjoy your new life in Christ.