READ: John 16:23-33

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, THAT YE SHOULD GO AND BRING FORTH FRUIT, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” – John 15:16

There is a great promise of answered prayer based on the condition that you will be fruitful. Jesus desperately wants you to be fruitful. He has linked the answer to your prayers to your fruitfulness. The whole purpose of your salvation is so that you will go and bear fruit. If you are going ahead to be fruitful you can expect that this promise will be active in your life. Beware of fruitful people! Their prayers are dangerous. Fruitful people can expect their prayers to be answered quickly. Your fruitfulness is the reason for God answering your prayer. Fruitful people are God’s favourite people. They are the people of His purpose. They are the people who have been ordained by Him. He loves answering the prayers of such people. God will answer the prayers of fruitful people.

The promise of God is that your prayers will be answered so that you will be happy. God does want you to be happy. Is there anything that makes you unhappy? What is there that takes your joy away? There is a promise of God so that you will have happiness. There will be answers to your prayers just so that your joy can be full.

To make you joyful is a good enough reason for God to answer your prayers. That is how important you are to God. He loves to answer your prayers just to make you happy