READ: Leviticus 11:1-12

They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.” – Leviticus 11:11

Why does the Bible say there will be no more curse in Heaven if all curses have been redeemed by Jesus? Not all curses have been redeemed and removed by Jesus Christ. Here on earth, the wickedness of man has brought about many intractable curses. Heaven is the sure place where there will be no more curse.

Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law that came under Moses. The curses that are found in the Law of Moses have been paid for and we are set free from them. Therefore, if you go against the things written in the Law of Moses you will not experience a curse. The Law of Moses is very strong against eating pork. In spite of this law, many Christians eat pork and are blessed as they eat it because they have been redeemed from the curse of the law.

Another law which millions of Christians break is the law on the type of fabric to wear. You are not under a curse because you wear clothes that are a mixture of fabrics. Most clothes today are made up of a mixture of fabrics. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of disobeying that law: Deuteronomy 22:11.

Yet another law which people disobey, is women wearing clothes that pertain to men and men wearing clothes that pertain to women: Deuteronomy 22:5. Women wear trousers that are originally designed for men whilst men in some cultures wear long shirts that look like dresses. Under the Law, you would be an abomination to God and most definitely experience a curse. Christ has redeemed us and paid the price for disobeying that Law.