READ: Genesis 37:12-36

Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, AND SOLD JOSEPH TO THE ISHMEELITES FOR TWENTY PIECES OF SILVER: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.” – Genesis 37:28

Silver was the price used to pay for the life of Joseph who saved Israel. Silver speaks of the salvation of apparently insignificant souls! Joseph was a poor slave and prisoner! His salvation did not seem to matter to anyone. Silver was used to buy Joseph out of the pit. Through this one pitiful soul, an entire nation was saved.

Silver always speaks of salvation, deliverance and restoration. Jesus said, “I was hungry, I was thirsty, I was sick, I was naked, I was in prison and I was a stranger.” These kinds of people are insignificant in society. Yet Jesus cares about each and every one of them. When you start caring about insignificant souls, you would have added silver to your ministry. The salvation of people is key to bringing the presence of God to your life and ministry.

Look at how Billy Graham started and ended. He preached about salvation from beginning to end. He was honoured by God to live a long and fruitful life. In his death, he was remembered by the whole world. All the living United States presidents honoured him in his death. He preached about Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Is it not amazing that this simple, apparently irrelevant message of salvation and redemption brought him such acclaim?

Salvation is still the most important message. Do not take any notice of these modern messages that set aside Jesus Christ and His message of salvation. Do not accept the “money” gospel! Do not accept the good life and happiness gospel! Do not accept the business gospel! Stay with the Jesus gospel! Stay with salvation! Stay with redemption!