READ: 2 KINGS 22:1-13

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and SHEW THEE GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS, WHICH THOU KNOWEST NOT” – Jeremiah 33:1-3

Be open to do great and mighty things that God will show you in your lifetime. God will reveal great things as you walk along with Him. God does not show you all His plans in a day. They unfold bit by bit. A little here and a little there! God has great things that He will show you. Be open for new things! Do not get tired of attempting new things for God. When you are tired of attempting new things, you are tired of living.

Be open to new books. Be open to great books and authors whose material you have never read before. Josiah, the king, was open to a new book that he discovered. This led to one of the greatest revivals in the history of Israel.

I am always searching for a book or an author whom God will use to bless me. I discovered Rick Joyner in a bookshop as I scanned through books trying to find something that would help my life and ministry. What a difference it made in my life! Be open to new books and new authors whom you have never heard speak.

There will never be a time that God will be silent towards you. He will always have a word, a direction and a message for you. The silence you are experiencing from God is because you have not obeyed the most recent instruction. When you get to the job of obeying His will for your life, you will hear him speak again.

When Paul was called to the ministry, he was told, “I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake” (Acts 9:16). God will be showing you things as you go along!