READ: Matthew 8:5-13

The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.” – Proverbs 15:33

When you are humble like a servant, you patiently wait for instructions. When you lose this humility, you cannot wait for anything or anyone. You cannot wait outside the door. You cannot wait for the meeting to begin. You cannot wait, if there is a delay in the programme. The life of a servant is a life of waiting upon the master’s pleasure. When humility has left you, you have no patience.

Years ago, I wondered about certain individuals who could not wait after meetings to see me. I would be sad because I really wanted to see them and encourage them to work for the Lord. I would rush out of my office only to find that they had already left. I was dealing with people who did not have the attitude of servants. They had no ability to wait.

Even more serious was the reality that the inability to wait revealed a lack of humility. If you are too big to wait, you are too big to be a servant and therefore you are too big to be elevated in the house of God. Today, many people who could not wait have ended up on the spiritual field of barrenness. Watch out for your “inability to wait” for anyone!

Notice your impatience as you blow your horn and scream at other drivers because you can’t wait. Notice your irritation with people you think should be faster at what they are doing. Notice your no nonsense attitude to things you have to wait for. These are indications that you are losing the humble servant’s ability to wait.