READ: Ecclesiastes 2:11

And no man tak eth this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.” – Hebrews 5:4

Some people do not prosper because they are in the wrong job. Even when you are diligent, being in a job you are not suited for will destroy you; you will not shine and you will not excel.

You cannot prosper without a calling. Many difficulties come from doing jobs that you are not suited for. A train is not designed to fly. No matter how it is positioned on the runway, flying is impossible! Know your calling because you are designed to do specific things. Functioning in a call which is not your own is like taking an honour which is not yours: Hebrews 5:4.

You cannot prosper with the wrong temperament. Make sure that you are doing a job suited to your particular temperament. If you are a choleric person, find a leadership job that is suitable for choleric people. If you are phlegmatic, ask to be excused from jobs that require a driving, leadership personality. It is in your interest that you work according to your particular temperament. If you do not, you will repeatedly be regarded as a failure.

You also cannot prosper in a meaningless job. During the Second World War, one of the punishments given to intelligent professors and scientists was the carrying of rocks from one end of a prison yard to the other. From morning until evening, they carried these rocks to and fro, creating a heap and then taking it apart when it reached a certain height. Some of them went crazy as they did years and years of this meaningless work.