READ: Revelation 3:14-19

For I fear…lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backb itings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:” – 2 Corinthians 12:20

When a person is abnormally swollen with fluid or fat, his size becomes a symptom of disease. Dangerous and evil swellings appear suddenly! You may wake up in the morning and find your face swollen. You may wake up in the morning and find your feet swollen. That is not the same as the natural growth of your feet. Natural growth is slow and almost unnoticeable. A person who is large or extra large in size has grown slowly and normally into that dimension.

A person who is puffed up or swollen grew rapidly and abnormally into that state. Watch out for people who suddenly develop evil attitudes due to a recent promotion! Pride and arrogance often come to those who suddenly become wealthy, successful and great. You often wonder why they have developed these attitudes. This is why God often allows us to suffer and rise slowly into great heights. A rapid elevation is often not a good thing for a human being. It is this swelling that leads to a fall.

You can avoid being puffed up by learning about all those who were puffed up in the Bible. These examples teach us all about arrogance and pride. The falls of these Bible characters have been recorded for us to learn from.

History is just waiting to be repeated in your life if you allow it. I want you to study the stories and testimonies of the well-known cases of pride and arrogance. These characters have played out most of the features we need to know about.