READ: 1 Corinthians 4:18-19

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acce ptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness…” – Daniel 4:27

Nebuchadnezzar was warned by the prophet Daniel to humble himself before the Lord. God speaks to men through his servants the prophets, the pastors and the teachers. Men often disregard and manhandle the servants of the Lord who speak for Him. You are puffed up like Nebuchadnezzar when you do not listen to warnings from the pastors and the prophets. Nebuchadnezzar refused to listen and he paid the price for that. The price was to have a mental illness for seven years. It was only by the mercy of God that He was not totally removed from office.

I have often wondered as politicians lambasted pastors for speaking the truth. The politicians wanted the ministers of the gospel to tow their line and say things that would favour their cause. They wanted the pastors to promote their party. If you do not heed to the voice of the pastor, you may pay a heavy price.

I once met a rich man in a public place. I told him, “You must be born again.” This man was so incensed by my message to him. My counsel was not acceptable to him. This is what Daniel begged from Nebuchadnezzar, “Please let my counsel be acceptable unto you” (Daniel 4:27).

Dear friend, you may laugh and mock when the pastor speaks but a day will come when you will not laugh. Pastors and prophets are messengers of God. You must be careful about what you say to pastors. You must be careful about how you handle their words!