READ: Matthew 22:37-38

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside o f them may be clean also” – Matthew 23:26

The priorities of Jesus are revealed in the Gospels. Whenever Jesus used the word “FIRST”, He was teaching us that there were some things that had priority over others. Notice from the Scriptures below how Jesus commanded us to do certain things before others.

…FIRST BE RECONCILED to thy brother… Matthew 5:24

But SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness… Matthew 6:33

…Thou hypocrite, FIRST CAST OUT THE BEAM OUT OF THINE OWN EYE… Matthew 7:5

…except he FIRST BIND THE STRONG MAN? and then he will spoil his house. Matthew 12:29

The Scriptures above give examples of things that Jesus said should be done first. When something that is supposed to be done second is done first, many things go wrong.

The priorities of Jesus are stated throughout the Gospels. When you are a sinner you basically choose between good and evil. As you grow in the Lord you begin to have more options. Your choices are no longer just between good and evil, but between good and good.

In terms of what to do there will be several good things to choose from. When you get to that point it is important that you understand the concept of priorities. Which one should I do first?