READ: Hebrews 3:1-6, 14

And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;” – 1 Timothy 1:12

There are things that are right before our eyes, yet we don’t want them. We prefer something else. When God blesses you with something, use it!

When it comes to spiritual things, people behave in the same manner. Some Christians have good churches with good pastors, honest men and women of integrity; but they would rather go round chasing after other things.

Whenever they hear that a powerful man of God is working wonders somewhere, they jump on the bandwagon. When they hear of a new church, they flock there.

Jesus calls them sign seekers. He says they are evil people. …An evil…generation seeketh after a sign… Matthew 12:39

Sometimes as a pastor, you wonder what such church members are looking for.

What counts is faithfulness. A good Christian must be able to faithfully stay or abide in one church where he will receive nourishment.

There is one thing God will consider before He puts you in the ministry. It is not ability, anointing, or talent – it is faithfulness!

When you are faithful and stable with what He has put right before you, He will promote you!