READ: Mark 4:3-20

…ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God…” – Hebrews 5:12

Shallowness is the disease of the Charismatic Christian. There is a lot of talk but no depth. Even our churches are shallow and without depth. For instance, we have no real outreach to the places of greatest need. It is time to come out of shallowness.

Christians do not know what the Bible says about many things. This is truly a symptom of shallowness.

Quoting Scriptures is different from knowing where things are in the Bible. Any Christian of depth will also be able to quote Scriptures.

I was recently preaching in a very large Charismatic church and I began to ask questions. I said to one, “Please quote John 1:12.” I said to another, “Please quote 2 Corinthians 5:17.” I said to yet another, “What is Romans 6:23?” Amazingly, most of the Christians who fill Charismatic churches cannot quote these Scriptures, which are basic Scriptures for every believer’s foundation. There can be no progress with God unless we have depth. Scripture memorization is essential

Shallowness is caused by failure to interact with the Lord. Anyone who has some depth with God spends at least an hour every day in the presence of the Lord. Conduct a survey in any large Charismatic church. Ask how many Christians have spent at least one hour in prayer and Bible reading on that day. You will find out that very few people spend more than a few seconds with God. No wonder most of them are shallow and don’t know God.