READ: Mark 3:1-15; 6:30

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power…for God was with him.” – Acts 10:38

Sometime in the year 1988, I had to fulfil what is called a community health rotation in a smaller town called Suhum.

At about 3 a.m. one morning, I was kneeling by the bed praying and listening to a tape by Kenneth Hagin, whom I greatly admired and followed. Suddenly, something literally jumped out of the tape recorder that was playing at the other end of the room and moved into my belly. I could feel it entering me. Then I heard a voice saying, “From now you can teach.” I didn’t know what that was but I thought to myself, “That’s good, because I want to teach.” I received a major impartation of anointing.

I was invited to teach at a Full Gospel Businessmen’s breakfast meeting in Suhum. This was my first ministration after my impartation experience and I noticed a difference. Within me, I knew that something had happened that was making a difference. When I got back to the church after a month, I noticed a difference in my ability to teach and preach; I noticed there was some life and Spirit in the ministry. The anointing is a bit like beauty. When you see it, you know it!

I have no reason to say what I am sharing except to help you. My ministry has grown in leaps and bounds because of an anointing. The anointing changes you from a normal person to an abnormal person. I see that anointing coming upon your life!