READ: Proverbs 31:10-31

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband” – Ephesians 5:33

Husband and wife may not always agree on everything. If they did, it would be a miracle. A wife may not agree with something that her husband is doing, but she should support him publicly. When they are in private she will bring up the issues and discuss her point of view. There is always a time and place to argue or discuss the issues.

The Bible teaches that the virtuous woman’s husband is respected in the city. He is respected partly because of how his wife treats him. How will your husband be respected in the city if you are rude to him in public? People will think that he cannot control his own household. People will also think that he made a mistake and married an “Ama Tarzan”, “Ekua Rambo” or “Adjoa Terminator”!

Women, I submit to you that when your husbands are disgraced, you are disgraced as well. That is one of the mysteries of the marriage covenant. When your husband goes up you go up with him. When his face is dragged in the mud, so is yours!

If you oppose your husband publicly, he will never listen to you and he will never consider your opinion in any important decision! What you do not realize is that no one takes advice from his enemy. When you constantly oppose your husband, you occupy the position of an enemy. You are the man’s opposition party. A good wife does not oppose her husband publicly. “…wisdom is justified of her children” (Matthew 11:19).