READ: Genesis 33:1-17

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” – Psalm 118:8

My little experience in the ministry shows me that the inability to be faithful, loyal, stable, consistent and constant is the greatest killer of ministries. It is the greatest killer of businesses. All men are tempted to feel that there is a shorter, quicker and easier way. Satan capitalizes on that tendency.

I was really intrigued by the revelation, which the Lord gave to Rick Joyner in his book “The Final Quest”. He described a vision of a large demonic army marching against the Church. The main aim of this demonic army was to cause division on every possible level of relationship: churches with other churches, congregations with their pastors and even husbands with their wives. Another notable aspect of the revelation was the weapons that this demonic army was carrying. I noted in particular that the spears they were carrying were called “treachery”. Do you know that treachery is actually the highest form of disloyalty? Dear friend, I believe that Satan’s principal spear against the Church is this weapon of disloyalty and treachery.

Many Christians are tricked into following rebels and dissident visionaries. Without knowing it, many church leaders are essentially rebellious and disloyal. They teach their followers rebellion by the things they say and do. They do not understand why anyone is unfaithful or disloyal to them. You see, deception is such a strong thing. When you are deceived you think that black is white and white is black.