READ: Psalm 138:6

But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased” – Hebrews 13:16

Jesus had a busy schedule. He handled great crowds and had a team of pastors He was training. Yet, when He met the woman of Samaria, He took a little time and spoke to her as an individual (John 4:7-9, 13-15).

A leader is someone who knows how to relate with individuals. Jesus did not know whether this woman was rich or poor. He just treated her as a human being who needed His help.

Every human being is a complex composition of spirit, soul and body. Every human being has his fears, mistakes and successes. Jesus spoke to a woman with a whole lot of problems. He was able to help her. If God has called you to be a leader, you must help individuals with needs. Do not treat a human being as a mere number. Anyone who treats his members as “just one of the masses” will soon discover that he loses their support.

People like to feel respected. Even the tone of your voice can indicate whether you respect the people or not! As you sow love and respect, you will reap admiration and many “following” hearts.

Jesus started His ministry fully aware that He was going to relate with poor people. He was going to minister to the broken-hearted and to people that were bound. Dear leader, remember that each individual needs special attention.