READ: Matthew 4:1-17

…Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;” – Psalm 103:2-3

Christ did not come to bind the demons that ravage the human race. There is an appointed time for that. That is why the demons shouted, “Are you come to torment us before the time?”(Matthew 8:29). In the book of Revelation, the angel Michael bound the devil in chains for 1,000 years. It is only then that we see the devil being bound. Until then he is loose (Revelation 20:2).

When Christ healed the sick, He was only trying to show us that a new kingdom had come. The fullest manifestation of that kingdom will happen when we go into eternity. On this earth we only see glimpses of that new kingdom. When Jesus was about to begin His ministry, He announced that the kingdom of Heaven was at hand.

The devil is the father of the kingdom of darkness. With Jesus’ announcement about the kingdom of God, the Lord was saying that, the times when demons controlled you, killed you, and destroyed your life are over.

Jesus had announced a new regime! It was a new regime of healing! This meant that everything associated with the old regime had been dismantled. The things of the old kingdom: the diseases, the cancers that kill, the blindness of the eyes, the deafness of the ears, the broken hearts, the despair and the hopeless situations, had ceased. The evidence of this new kingdom became evident as people were healed and delivered.