READ: Esther 1:9-20

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;” – 1 Corinthians 13:5

Wisdom is different from human rights. It is by wisdom that hopeless marriages can be turned around. God is trying to teach you wisdom. Wisdom is justified of her children.

Where has God established you? Has He made you a wife or a queen? If you do not respect what God has given you, you may lose it. I often tell people that there are two hundred people who are ready to replace them. No one needs to be proud or to feel indispensable. We are all where we are by the grace of God.

Vashti made a tragic mistake. The one great asset God had given to her was her physical beauty. Every woman has been given her beauty as a gift from God. You used your beauty to attract the man. You must use it to keep him and to keep your place as a wife. Christian women are supposed to take care of themselves so that they look beautiful. Do not think for one moment that your husband does not notice beautiful women in town. Every Christian man is fully aware of all the beautiful women around him. Christian ladies should stir up their husbands’ interest in them with their physical beauty. As cases of adultery and divorce occur, people will take these things seriously.

When Vashti was called upon to display her beauty, she did not! She refused to do so and she was suddenly removed from her high position. Decide that you will not allow anything or anyone to take your place. A woman with direction understands the principle of divine displacement and replacement.