READ: Acts 3:1-11, 16

…Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive…” – John 16:24 New International Version

A vital step to receiving one hundred per cent answered prayer is to use the name of Jesus.

I announce to you that there is power in the name of Jesus! Your heavenly Father will respond when He hears the name of Jesus.

In my church, there are people who try to use my name to get certain things done. They know that the mention of my name in our set-up will lead to rapid results. Why do people engage in namedropping? It is because names have power.

The use of a name leads to rapid results. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. Demons respond to the name of Jesus. Sickness responds to the name of Jesus. Satan will bow to the name of Jesus. There is power in that name. In the book of Acts, we see how the name of Jesus healed a man (Acts 4:10).

But it is not only bad things which respond to the name of Jesus. Our Heavenly Father Himself responds to the name of Jesus. Jesus told us to use the “name of Jesus” to get responses from the Father. Jesus told us to use His name to get results in prayer.

From today, whenever you pray, use the name of Jesus; not only as a ritual, but as a vital key to receiving your blessings from Heaven.