READ: Romans 4:16-25

And he believed in the lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.” – Genesis 15:6

The Bible teaches us that Abraham believed in God. That is one of the most notable things about him. He is called the father of all those who believe. Because Abraham had faith in God, God was pleased with him.

In the ministry of Jesus Christ, many people were healed. Jesus often told those who were healed, “Your faith has made you whole.” It was the use of faith that brought the miracles to these individuals.

In order to experience the success that Abraham did, you need to operate in faith. How is it going to be possible for you to own a house? How is it going to be possible for you to own a car? How much does a car cost? A good car costs thousands of dollars. You must know how to believe even when it seems impossible. What do you have to lose? Faith will bring you many blessings!

People talk about riches and the power of the occult. What about the power of God? You must choose to believe that God’s power will destroy the power of the enemy. But why think about that? Why live in fear? Why not exercise faith in the goodness of God?

When you see evil all around, you can easily be frightened. But you must be able to speak the words of King David in Psalm 23:4. Choose to believe that God will keep you.