READ: Matthew 23:23-28

When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him…” – Proverbs 16:7

I have realized that as human beings, most of us want people to be impressed with us. We wish the people around us would be impressed with what we have: our cars, our appearance etc.

Sometimes, people go to the extent of going for bank loans in order to live a certain kind of lifestyle to impress friends.

Many people live above their means because they want to present a certain image of themselves. Such a person may be regarded as wealthy and living in luxury when in reality, he is living on borrowed glory.

Soon his creditors will catch up with him, and the image he has built around himself will come crumbling down! That is when the people he has deceived will be disappointed and unimpressed with him.

It is good to be liberated from that constant desire to impress others! If I had tried to impress people, our church, Lighthouse Chapel International would not have gotten to this stage. I would have spent our income on impressive cars, clothes and lifestyles, trying to impress those on the outside.

There is no need to impress anyone. If you are a worthy person, people will get to know who you are, what you are, and what you are made up of! It is just a matter of time! Do not be impressive on the outside and unimpressive on the inside.