READ: Proverbs 7:4-27

Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?” – Proverbs 6:27

One of the characteristics of the strange woman is stubbornness. She will not obey instructions, and does not take advice.

The Bible says a wife should submit to her husband. The word “submit” means “to yield, bend, agree, or to obey”.

A good wife is supposed to yield, but if she is a strange woman, she will be stubborn. God’s order is for the husband to lead, and the woman to follow. However, in these days of women’s liberation, you have some women rising up to fight every established authority!

Dear women, you are not wiser than God; there can be only one head in a home. Any animal with two heads is abnormal and a freak.

A strange woman is a dangerous person to marry. She is stubborn in the church, stubborn at home and stubborn at work. She always has a reason or an excuse for not doing what she ought to do.

Pharaoh was so stubborn that God had to speak to him through flies, frogs, deaths, tragedies and disasters! You do not need to go through similar experiences. Do not be too hard and stubborn. These are traits of a strange woman.