READ: Matthew 5:21-26

“...first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift” – Matthew 5:24

It is easy for us to lift up our hands in worship. But Jesus is makes it clear that we need to sort out our relationships before we come to Him. This is a priority for the Lord. Why is it so important for us to leave our gifts at the altar and ensure we have good relationships before worshipping Him?

Having good relationships proves that you are not a liar (1 John 4:20). If you claim to love God but cannot love the people you see, you are actually a liar. God does not want a bunch of liars lifting their hands in prayer. Would you feel happy if a large group of liars came to your gate seeking help? Would you not call the police?

Having good relationships proves that you are not a murderer (1 John 3:15). The Bible teaches that when you hate your brother, you are a murderer. God does not want murderers knocking at His door. How would you feel if a large group of murderers assembled at your home seeking audience with you? Would you not be terrified?

Having good relationships proves that you have forgiven those that have wronged you (Mark 11:25-26). Without forgiveness, God will not hear your prayer. Without forgiveness, you are wasting your time at the altar.

These are some reasons why God insists that we straighten out our relationships first.