READ: 2 Corinthians 4:8-15

For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake…” – 2 Corinthians 4:11

When ministers of the Gospel give themselves to the ministry, it is always seen as unnecessary. What is more fleeting than the making of money and the building of houses on this earth? We in the ministry have given ourselves to the highest and most worthy calling.

In the midst of the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a Congolese diamond mine was listed on the London Stock Exchange. This means that active business was being conducted in the midst of war. It’s amazing what people will do even in the midst of war!

Yet, were I to ask someone to start a church in certain African countries, the person’s family would develop hysteria. There would be all kinds of reasons making me out to be an unreasonable and heartless leader.

This is the point: People are sacrificing, but they are sacrificing to the devil! The sacrifices are being made, but they are being made to the devil. Many can give much more for the work of God but they won’t. They would rather spend this money on a house, a car or even on a funeral.

Men will honour scientists, doctors, beauty queens, boxers and athletes but they will not honour preachers. God has, however, promised that when we set our love on Him, He will honour us. I am looking for the honour of God (Psalm 91:14, 15). Seek the honour of God and not the honour of men!