READ: Jeremiah 9:23-24

Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:” – Isaiah 55:6

Knowing about someone is different from knowing the person. There are many people who know about me but do not know me.

Knowing God from afar is very different from knowing Him personally. The way you can develop that personal relationship with God is not in public at a church service. You cannot develop a personal relationship with anyone by interacting in public. There has to be communication at a personal level. There has to be a personal interaction! There has to be a quiet time with God. You can know God personally by spending time with Him during your quiet time.

The strongholds in most Christians’ lives cannot be broken down by one powerful sermon. Anyone who does not have a regular quiet time has many things in his life that need to be burnt and broken down. A daily quiet time breaks down evil strongholds (Jeremiah 23:29).

Christians who just listen to sermons on Sundays are very different from those who have a regular quiet time. A daily quiet time leads to the cutting away of unwanted aspects of our lives and character (Hebrews 4:12).

When you expose yourself to the Word of God, you are exposing yourself to a supernatural power. God is actually in His Word.