READ: John 9:1-41

For…it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe” – 1 Corinthians 1:21

Jesus’s miracle brought about a surprising division. You would have thought that a classic miracle that could not be disputed (the healing of a man born blind) would make everybody believe.

The fact is that no matter what God does, certain people will never believe. God is therefore not in a hurry to impress anyone. I know that there are people who will still not believe what I preach even if they see an angel appear by my side as I preach.

I heard of a man of God who had fire appear over his head in a halo when he was preaching. Do you think that everybody believed in his ministry? Certainly not. We must understand then that miracles or no miracles, the work of God still goes on. Those who will believe will believe with or without the miracles.

The Bible says that people are saved by the foolishness of preaching and not by the stupefying nature of miracles. God has determined that people should be saved by preaching and not by miracles. Dear minister of God, keep on preaching! Evangelise and tell the truth because it is the method by which God has determined that people should be saved.

We have miracle services in my church. We see God doing miracles and we witness the power of God moving, but we know that God is not trying to replace the need for powerful preaching. Decide today to allow preaching to affect you. Decide to believe the preaching of the Word.