READ: Romans 9:1-3;10:1-3

…He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works …” – John 14: 12

Paul had a desire to help the Jews. He was constantly burdened by this desire. All true leadership stems from the burden to help people whom you love. The greatest sign of leadership is the overwhelming burden and desire which compels the leader into action.

Some people go through difficulties in life. After they have recovered from their pain, they have a strong desire to help others avoid the pain and suffering they went through. A true father wants his children to have what he couldn’t have. A true leader wants his followers to be better than himself.

Jesus wanted His followers to do greater things than He had done. If you do not have a desire to help people to become great, perhaps you are not a leader. If you just have a desire to help yourself, that is not leadership! Leadership is a desire to help other people achieve great things for themselves. A man who has a desire to win the lost at any cost is a leader for the cause of the Gospel.

In the earlier days of my ministry, I did not even know what the offices of a pastor, evangelist or apostle were. I thought these were far-fetched positions which I could never occupy. All I wanted to do was to help people to meet Jesus. All I wanted to do was to help people to grow in Christ. I felt that if people grew up in the Lord, many of their problems would go away. A desire to help people is a symptom of the call of God.