READ: John 11:1-45

But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son…” – Galatians 4:4

It is a known fact that we all need a blessing from the Lord. It is important to understand the law of the timing of miracles. Why did Jesus come to the earth only two thousand years ago? The Bible says when the time was right, God sent His Son.

Jesus was a gift of God to the Jews, but in the day of their divine blessing, they did not receive Him. It is important for you to recognize the time of your visitation. Just as you have a time when you do certain things, God has a time on His timetable when He is going to bless you with certain gifts.

In 1988, God placed me in the office of a teacher. At another time, He placed on me the anointing to pastor. He then gave the healing anointing to minister the power of God. Why didn’t He do it all at once? God has a time for your breakthrough. As you “flow” with Him, you will come into special days for your life and you will be truly blessed. Mary and Martha called for Jesus to heal their brother Lazarus. Jesus did not come till it was “too late”. But it is never too late with God. Jesus got there four days “too late”. But God wrought a powerful miracle for all to see.

Do not be angry with God because He is keeping to His schedule. God may not come when you want Him to come. But He will come in time. Be a man or woman of understanding. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and understand the time. When it is your time, walk in it and be blessed