READ: Numbers 11:10-17

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” – Ephesians 4:12

Moses was breaking down under the burden of leading the entire flock of God’s people. God saw this and decided to take of the “spirit” that was on Moses and to put it on the seventy leaders so they could “bear the burden” with him.

The burden of leading sheep, of accounting for hundreds of different people, cannot be borne by one person or just a few people who supposedly have a “call”. The saints must be perfected (prepared, trained) to do the work of the ministry.

Every Pastor will have a lot to answer for when he stands before the Lord in Heaven. Your burden is to lead all your sheep to Heaven. Make sure you lose none of them. Every true pastor’s motto should be, “Of all that you have given me, I have lost none” (John 6:39, John 17:12 and John 18:9).

The Lord wants us to be fruitful in His Kingdom no matter what we do in this life. Involving students, workers, and professionals helps to distribute the burden to all saints in the church. In the universities, I have established Lighthouse churches and have entrusted the preaching and pastoring responsibilities to a few students. I am very proud of these student ministers because of the great job that they have done on their respective campuses.

Ordinary saints should please join in and let us work together. Ordinary saints can do the work of the ministry