READ: : 2 Kings 4:8-17

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward...” – Matthew 10:41

The Shunammite woman asked Elisha to stay in her house. She provided for him a resting place and gave him food and shelter. This provoked a divine response. The man of God was provoked to minister a miracle of childbirth to her. It was not Elisha who gave her the child; it was God.

Consider also the testimony of Elijah. He met with a widow who was about to die from a famine. Elijah wanted to minister a miracle of supernatural supply of food to her. Before the blessing could come, she had to invoke the laws of divine provision by ministering to the man of God (1 Kings 17:13). This woman would have died if she had not obeyed. God was merciful to her and divinely supplied what she needed.

Anytime you minister personally to a man of God, you invoke the laws of divine provision. I see God supplying all your needs as you minister to the man of God in your life! The Bible says strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter (Matthew 26:31).

As you read the Bible, you will discover how God deals with individuals. He does not deal with groups or institutions. He is dealing with individual men and women. God is working with certain men in every nation. When you look after such men, you provoke divine provision on your life. When you care for such people, you are caring for God’s precious jewels.