READ: Luke 4:1-13

In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not…” – 2 Corinthians 4:4

You need to understand that there is a devil that rules this world. This is obvious when you look at the chaos in the world. The dictators that are imposed on different nations, the wickedness that is manifested, the inequalities that exist in the society, the starvation, the hunger, the sickness, the diseases and the sufferings of many people proves that the overall ruler is a very wicked person. The Bible calls him the “god of this world”.

Is it not true that you judge the type of leader in a nation by the things that go on in the nation? The Bible clearly says that Satan is the god of this world. The devil promised Jesus the kingdoms of this world if he would bow to him. Jesus refused to bow to the devil and so He was not given the control of the nations of the world. That stayed in the hands and the clutches of the devil.

God is Almighty and reigns over all things. However, the devil is the one that controls this earthly world. The devil is the one ruling this world. He causes the diseases and the sicknesses in this world. Jesus cast out devils from many of the people that He healed. Until you get to the root of the problems you often do not get them solved.

This is why Jesus is in the healing business. This is why we believe in healing. I have seen many miracles in my ministry. I want to encourage you to believe in miracles because miracles are real ! Jesus is the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings (Malachi 4:2)