READ: John 15:9-15

For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” – Matthew 12:50

A good leader must strive to let people feel important. The reality is that you are the leader, so you are different but you must learn to mingle with all kinds of people. Jesus mingled with thieves (the two thieves at the cross), tax collectors (Matthew), fishermen (Peter), foreigners (the Syro-Phoenician woman), demonized people (Mary Magdalene), lunatics (the madman of Gadara), priests (Nicodemus) and noblemen (Joseph of Arimathea).

Jesus interacted freely with people from all social strata. Do not restrict yourself to one group of the society. Learn not to call or describe your staff and subordinates as servants. Nobody likes to be called a servant even if that is the case. Jesus specifically said that He did not call His disciples servants. Describe your staff, subordinates and junior pastors as your friends.

I enjoy the friendship of the people who work for me. If I did not have them, I would be very lonely. You should also describe the people who work for you as your family.

This is one thing I have done all my life. I have never seen my pastors or workers as employees but as family. I actually hate being called “boss.” The family and personal problems of your employees should be your personal problems! Create a family spirit in your organization. It is a hundred times better than a formal, stiff organization.

Tell your pastors or juniors about yourself and your plans. This is one thing that draws people close.