READ: Colossians 1:15-19

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” – Matthew 28:18

You must note that the anointing came upon Jesus when He was praying. The fact is that there is no anointing without prayer (Luke 3:21). Prayerless people are powerless people. Prayer is what gives rise to the intangible aura of the presence of God around someone who is anointed.

Someone would wonder why the Pharisees were afraid to arrest Jesus. He was preaching openly. He had been in the temple, casting out thieves. He had marched into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Jesus moved openly. Why were they afraid to arrest him? Why did they need Judas to betray someone who walked openly in public? It is because there was an aura around Jesus. There was something about Him. The Pharisees themselves knew that there was no one who spoke as He spoke. There was something about His words. His words have lasted for more than two thousand years. He never wrote a book but two thousand years later, millions read His words.

You see, when you have been with someone, you can speak about the person with authority. The authority comes because you have been with the person. This authority is a manifestation of the anointing that is on your life. The more anointed you are, the more authority you will have. And the more authority you have, the more powerful you will be.