READ: 1 Kings 11:26; 12:19-30

…a faithful man who can find?” – Proverbs 20:6

When disloyalty is an integral part of an individual’s character, he often repeats this treacherous behaviour without provocation. You will see this in the life of Jeroboam, the king of Israel.

Jeroboam rebelled against King Solomon, against Rehoboam, the legitimate king of Israel, and again he rebelled painfully against the Lord. He was a terrible disappointment to the Lord.

Rebellion or disloyalty is an integral part of a person’s character and culture. So, it takes time for a person to imbibe and assimilate the philosophy, tradition and culture of loyalty. However, when it is established it yields wonderful fruits.

Loyalty is also an integral part of your character; it is not simply a set of rules you must obey. It is a matter of developing an invisible quality; a certain style and character of doing things. Loyalty must emanate from the heart. Develop a culture of loyalty in the group of people you associate with. A culture runs deeper than the rule books – it is an unseen force that keeps the family together. When new people join your company or church, they will find the system airtight and unfriendly to treachery and to traitors. When something is part of a culture, it happens repeatedly even without prompting.

When your organization is averse to disloyal elements, you will be much better off. If you are in business you will make profit. If you are in church work, your church will grow; expansion will take place.