READ: 1 Kings 11:1-13

Neither shalt thou make marriages with them…For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods…” – Deuteronomy 7:3-4

God is very concerned about whom you marry. I am not only referring to your marital happiness, but also to how your partner will influence you in the future. You see, life is very long and marriage is a very long road. Will your marriage make you or break you? This is a matter of concern to God.

When God was instructing the Israelites, He was very concerned about whom they would marry, because He did not want anyone to turn their hearts away from Him. God knew that a wife and a husband would influence each other.

When a young man goes out to find a wife, he often looks for certain qualities. But there is one thing that all men look for, whether they admit it or not; and that is beauty. Every man wants to marry a beautiful girl.

God wants you to marry a beautiful person. However, His primary concern for you is whether the person you marry will one day turn your heart away from Him.

Marriage is something you must not take lightly or wantonly, but soberly and in the fear of the Lord, duly considering the causes for which marriage was ordained. Your choice of a spouse is not only important for your life here on Earth, but also has important implications concerning your eternal destiny – Heaven or Hell.